Dana Dana – Now United
Letra da Música Dana Dana. Acesse as músicas mais tocadas e lançamentos de Now United.
The sun and the moon
A billion stars above
This feeling that we share
Our hearts that beat as one
The rhythm of the world
We share the same sky
Reaching out a hand
A love we can’t deny
I’ve been waiting so long
Dana, Dana
For you to believe in all the ways of love
In the ways of love
Dana, Dana, Dana
I’ve been waiting so long
Waiting, waiting
I want more, more, more
Show me the ways of love
Dana, Dana, Dana
Dana, Dana, Dana
Dana, Dana, Dana
Turn on the sunlight
Illuminate the dark
Love is all around us
We’re never far apart
Don’t be afraid to fall
Yeah, we were born to fly
Now we are united
Together we will shine
I’ve been waiting so long
Dana, Dana
For you to believe in all the ways of love
In the ways of love
Dana, Dana, Dana
I’ve been waiting so long
Waiting, waiting
I want more, more, more
Show me the ways of love
Dana, Dana, Dana
Dana, Dana, Dana
Lil Shiv
Dana, Dana, Dana
इस नफरत को मिटा करदे हमारे बीचमे
जिस तरफ की बहकी दुनिया बड़ी बेट
तोड़ है बोहोत ज़ोर है साथमे
You know the tough will make us rise up
So bring your body closer
Feelings का मतलब just believe कर
आवाज़ों को भूल जो हमे करे दूर
रखूंगी तुम्हे मेरे दिल में मशूर
I’ve been waiting so long
Dana, Dana
For you to believe in all the ways of love
In the ways of love
Dana, Dana, Dana
I’ve been waiting so long
Waiting, waiting
I want more, more, more
Show me the ways of love
Dana, Dana, Dana
Oh, love, oh love, oh love
(Yeah, yeah)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Oh love
Dana, Dana, Dana