Sirens – Flume Feat. Caroline Polachek
Letra da Música Sirens. Acesse as músicas mais tocadas e lançamentos de Flume.
And if I could
I’d raise my arm
And wave a wand
To end all harm
And if i could
With just a sigh
I’d stop the tide
Of siren cries
And if i could
With just a sigh
I’d stop the tide
Of siren cries
And if I could
And if I could
No wand of mine
No end in sight
And if I could
I’d raise my arm
And wave a wand
To end all harm
And if i could
With just a sigh
I’d stop the tide
Of siren cries
And if I could
Dissolve all pride
Unite divides
Surrender sides
And if I could
And if I could
No wand of mine
No end in sight
And if I could